Public International Law is a combination of the rules, principles, and laws of general application that deal with the conduct of nation-states and international organizations among themselves as well as the relationships between nation-states and international organizations among themselves as well as the relationships between nation-states and international organizations with persons, whether natural or juridical.
The course includes the study of general principles of international law including the law of peace. Third-world concerns with respect of security and development and the role of U.N. and International Agencies in structuring solutions in the context of the changing balance of power are also to be appreciated.
Nature, definition, origin, and basis of International Law; Sources of International Law; Relationship between Municipal and International Law; Subjects of International Law.
States as subjects of International Law: States in general; Recognition; State territorial sovereignty.
State Jurisdiction: Law of the sea; State Responsibility; Succession to rights and obligations.
State and Individual – Extradition, Asylum, and Nationality; the agents of international business; diplomatic envoys, consul,s and other representatives; the law and practice as to treaties.
The United Nations Organisation – Principal organs and their functions; World Trade Organisation- Main features; International Labour Organisation.
Prescribed Books:
- Starke, J.G, An Introduction to International Law (Oxford University Press, 2013).
- Sands Philippe and Pierre Klein, Bowett’s Law of International Institutions, 6th Edition, (Sweet & Maxwell, 2009)
Reference Books:
- Clapham, Andrew, Brierley’s Law of Nations: An Introduction to the Role of International in International Relations, 7th Edition, (Oxford: 2012)
- Harris,D.H, Cases and Materials on International Law, 7th Edition, (Sweet and Maxwell, 2010)
- Oppenheim, International Law, 9th Edition, (Oxford, 2008)
- Kapoor, S.K, International Law, Human Rights (Central Law Agency, 2009).
- Das, Bhagirathlal, An Introduction to World Trade Organization Agreements (Zed Books, 1998).